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My Thoughts

A man with the heart of God, after the heart of God and survivor of Parkinson's 


About Me

We all have a story to share. I was raised in adversity with challenges from childhood. Today I struggle with Parkinson's but refuse to give up on God or myself. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. I answer to God, not man. I believe I am healed by my Savior Jesus Christ. Man see's me according to my outward appearance, but God knows and see's me according to my heart and how HE created me IN Christ. He is not partial and wants the same for you. Believe and you will receive. It's time we believe for miracles to come in our life no matter what we're facing, despite what comes our way. I am trusting and believing and giving my battle of this horrific disease from the enemy. God is in the miracle working business and the one who overcame death, hell and the grave. I am an overcomer, victorious, and I will win this battle before me. So Jesus, I believe and trust and look for that day You heal me so I can do what You called me to do.


I am a child of God...a psalmist, a mature son and friend of God. He loves me. I am a blur for a couple reasons. 1. Adversity 2. I am constantly in pursuit 3. What others want to see is a finished product, but I am hardly finished and I am not a product...and neither are you. You are invited to be a blur on the way to God through Jesus Christ. 

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